Saturday, July 25, 2015

5 Insane (But True) Things About Baby Gate

When it comes to raising children, childhood safety is a priority. Parents always worry about the safety of toddlers, especially as the child begins to crawl and explore. There’s nothing more frightening than having a child fall down the stairs or enter an unsafe room, and hence the baby safety gate was born. These gates come in a vast array of types.

 Here are 5 Insane (But True) Things About Baby Gates:

1. The Falling Irony

Many times parents trip and fall over the gate. High traffic areas are supposed to have a stairway gate to allow ease of access for adults. Some however, choose to forgo this aspect and step right over and trip in the process. Parents should always follow the simple instructions to open the gate first. This prevent injuries, not only for themselves, but their toddlers as well. 

2. Immovable or not?

Parents must know which type of safety  gate to purchase. Some are permanent and drilled into the door frame. Others are movable, based upon pressure and tension to hold the gate in place between two objects. However, someone tripping over them can cause the tension to come undone. Knowing which one to buy can help as well. The movable ones are perfect for when company comes over.

3.Don’t forget the fireplace!

Often, parents focus on the doorways and stairs in protecting the child, and forget about the fireplace. These irregular safety gates tend to be shaped in a half-hexagon shape, in order to fully cover the fireplace area. It can also be used to block out dangerous portions of a room. Safety gates are versatile and permanent gates cover these often neglected aspects. 

4.Have the proper size

Many parents often neglect this aspect with the first child. The child should only reach about of the gate’s height. But toddlers grow quickly. So many parents often purchase an initial size that does not completely cover what may be necessary later on. There’s nothing worse for a parent to find that a toddler has bypassed the gate and fallen. Knowing the proper size can help!


Buying a baby gate is important. It’s important for parents to follow the instructions as well to prevent falling. Parents also need to be aware of often neglected aspects of the home, including the fireplace; know what type of gate to purchase; and have a right sized gate for the child. All of these aspects typically occur with the first child, as parents become more experienced by the second, third, etc. 


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